Step 1 Meet and Greet

We always start with a meet and greet. For you and your pup. Through experience this can make or break how much fun your dog has. A stranger stopping in, putting them on a leash and taking off out the door can be overwhelming. Eliminating that stranger danger helps relax your dog. It's also an opportunity to say hi to the humans, talk about what your dog loves most, get to know their routine, and start building trust.

Step 2 Acclimation Walk

This is where the fun begins! You take us on a walk, no one knows your dog better than you. You show us their favorite spots, the places to stay away from, who their friends are, and the pace they like to adventure.

Step 3 Routine Walk

Now that we have a bit more trust and we are welcome in the house, we can take over! Sticking with the same routine we established in the first two steps. We go on a walk, keeping it really fun, engaging, and an all around great experience for your pup. This type of walk lasts anywhere from a week to two weeks depending on how quickly your pup builds trust.

Step 4 Increasing Pace (if running)

Now that we have a bit of a rhythm, we can start going faster, which will take us farther. We alternate running a few minutes then taking breaks in the shade, walking a little to explore the new place, and then back to a short run. This is to make sure your pup has fun and can explore new places, without the worry of going too far too fast.

Step 5 Adventuring Out

We have a lot of trust built now and guarantee a good time, so we start exploring new places and taking new paths. If they love running, we alternate running and walking. We continue to have a ton of fun while mentally engaging your pup and physically exercising them as well!

Step 6 Pups Choice

With pace, distance, and direction all figured out, we can stick with what your dog loves most. If they want to change it up one day or continue the same routine, we're ready! 


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